
The final VXI* VoiceXML browser 5.0  ref. 2010-05-21 32bit and 64bit is now released. This new release is suitable for production platforms running with all lastest Asterisk 1.4 and 1.6 kernels (both Asterisk’s packages are available for download too). Like our previous release, VXI* 5.0 has been built to run over Asterisk EC2 or Xen virtual servers. Stay tuned to the blog to keep up to date on our progress or check out our lasts builds.

You can download these new binary packages from this website for registered users.

Powered by I6NET Software

New features added and modifications:

  • mod: Add force Flash/RTMP for the future RTMP channel.
  • mod: Correction to avoid the crash when the object http don’t get parameters.
  • mod: Correction to use h324m with Asterisk 1.6.
  • add: Support audiofetch attribut.
  • add: Cache manager to purge automatically the TTS cache.
  • mod: Use UTF-8 for srgs/xml grammars.
  • add: Porting of Vestec ASR (with asterisk speech API).
  • mod: Correction to remove null file generated by the HTTP/TTS connector.
  • add: use transfer/dest extra value ‘;ani=xxx’ to change the CALLERID number and name.
  • mod: Resize the messaging buffer.
  • mod: Correction to support refered file for the dial annnouncement.
  • mod: Correction to play mp3 streams with mp3player.
  • add: ASR/speech uniMRCP support.
  • mod: Correction in the start/strop script for Suse.
  • mod: Replace usleep function (some server don’t sleep).
  • mod: Correction to pass the parameters for with “execute:” (Asterisk 1.4).
  • mod: Correction to force ULAW/ALAW native format (parameter force=alaw).
  • mod: Correction to set different filename during the multiparts/POST.