CoIP Paris

April 15-16, 2008
CNIT La Défense, Paris – France

I6NET will be present at CoIP Communications over IP Congress with IWATEL.

For its third exhibition, CoIP is once again reflecting the strong dynamism of the IP markets. These are simultaneously expanding vigorously in their initial segments (voice and telephone systems) and growing stronger with reference to the “new applications” (web-conferences, joint work, unified communication, etc.) and are going firm on a certain number of subjects relating to the future growth centres in the IP galaxy (Wi-Fi / WiMAX, Land Line-Mobile convergence, IPTV, IP-Video, etc.).

I6NET’s conference:

CD2: 15/04/2008 – 16h20-16h45
Services multimédias interactifs IP/3G (IVVR) by Ivan Sixto

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