Season’s Greetings: Merry Christmas!
December 21, 2010
IVRS World: Six IVR predictions for 2011
January 10, 2011
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UniMRCP, The Open Standard Speech Recognition Interface for VXI* over Asterisk Servers

A new important step has been taken for Asterisk thanks to UniMRCP, The Open Source MRCP Client Project witch provides a standard (MRCP) speech interface for all Asterisk servers. Now your VXI* VoiceXML browser for Asterisk can run more ASR engines for your VoiceXML applications as never before. Many Speech Recognition components were not yet available for Asterisk’s Speech Recognition API but with MRCP v1 and v2 most relevant vendors are ready for your IVR / IVVR.

Our team is currently committed to help UniMRCP project to improve Speech Recognition integration for many engines like Loquendo, Nuance, Lumenvox, Vestec… Our main outcome is to get the best open standard MRCP Client for Asterisk / VXI*, delivering all packages with an auto-installer to setup easily your IVR solution based on VXI*.

Currently we are working on different ASR/MRCP engines for UniMRCP Client like:

  • Loquendo ASR
  • Vestec ASR
  • Lumenvox Speech Engine
  • Nuance Recognizer
  • Verbio ASR

You can find more MRCP Servers to run over UniMRCP; our support team can answer to your questions, if you are selecting any ASR server for your VoiceXML services over VXI* platforms.

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About UniMRCP

UniMRCP is an open source cross-platform MRCP project, which provides everything required for the implementation and deployment of both an MRCP client and an MRCP server. UniMRCP encapsulates SIP/MRCPv2, RTSP, SDP and RTP/RTCP stacks and provides integrators with an MRCP v1 and v2 user level API.

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About I6NET

I6NET Solutions and Technologies Limited is a pan European company specializing in the development of new applications and advanced communication solutions. It’s innovative VoiceXML browser and applications technology enables the creation of interactive voice services to access multi-lingual and dynamic content.

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