
May 19, 2012

The City of Getafe Phone Self-Service for 2012 Summer School Activities [Business Case]

Spain, Madrid – May 19th, 2012. Each year, the Getafe’s Schools and the “Delegation de Education del Ayto de Getafe” conducts the school summer’s activities campaign for the next holidays. I6NET has developed the phone self-service dedicated to improve the Citizen Attention Service of the City of Getafe. This advanced IVR service is based on our PhoneScheduler application and provides a phone self-service where all families can call to schedule their meeting without spending less than 2 minutes without waiting any queue and using Voice Recording, DTMF menus, SMS Confirmation, Web Administration,… etc All our team is very proud and happy to provide this helpful service for Getafe’s families, one more time in 2012 with fully successful results. Service Brochure: [download id=”166″ format=”1″ autop=”false”] Customer Press Release: Previous Posts:  
May 15, 2009

The City of Getafe selects interactive phone self-services to manage school’s summer activities [Business Case]

Spain, Madrid – May 14th, 2009. Each year, the Getafe Public’s Schools and the “Delegation de Education e Infancia del Ayto de Getafe” conduct their school summer’s activities campaign for the next holidays. I6NET provider of  IVR / IVVR communications components, has developed the phone self-service dedicated to improve the Citizen Attention Service of the City of Getafe. The advanced voice portal implemented allows thousand families to request themselves a meeting to register their children. This IVR solution includes a web service with user-friendly interfaces that allow the City of Getafe’s officers to manage online all calendars and meetings requested. This IVR service is based on I6NET’s PhoneScheduler application template and provides a phone self-service where all families can call to schedule their meeting without spending less than 2 minutes and without waiting in a queue, using voice identification, DTMF, SMS […]