
April 3, 2010

New Support via Twitter at I6NET

We are please to add a new option to share faster new ideas, suggestions and answers with our customers via Twitter. An easy web form is available at Followbase site: Now, you can write @i6net a short text (140 chars) or tiny link for your: Ideas Problems Questions For other questions our ticketing system is: Mail: (ticketing system) Monday – Friday / 9 am – 5 pm GMT+2 customer’s business hours (max. time 48h) Thanks for your continuous support!
March 19, 2010

VXI* VoiceXML browser 4.4 Cloud Ready IVR software for Amazon EC2 virtual servers

VXI* VoiceXML browser 4.4 for Asterisk, Cloud-Ready EC2 Telephony Solution. After months,working with the VXI* Cloud Beta Program, we are please to unveil VXI* last packages have been built and tested to run over  EC2 Virtual Servers with a special activation key (production servers).  Now, you can build your own virtual IVR servers for your VoiceXML applications or  manage yourself a Cloud Telephony Service. Recommended final packages for EC2: » Cloud Ready: CentOS 5 VXI* 4.4 / Asterisk 1.4 for EC2 32bit | 64bit VXI* VoiceXML browser can run with more virtual OS environnements, but current activation keys are only available for Amazon EC2 virtual servers. Thank you for your continuous support!
February 11, 2010

New documentation edition for VXI* 4.3

We present a new update of the VXI* VoiceXML browser Manual; these new PDF file is now available at our download documents section. Some updated elements are: Installation process for Digium Boards Dadhi / Zaptel New Video IP/3G features VoiceXML reference guide updated for VXI* 4.3 More information at: Documents Thank your for your support!
January 26, 2010

Automatic-Speech-Recognition (ASR) for VXI* update

We are increasing the number of speech engines connected to VXI* VoiceXML browser for Asterisk. We are now udpdating the information about all Speech-Recognition Engines supported by our products. If you are selecting a new ASR engines for your Asterisk projects, please contact us. More information: Thank you for your continuous support!
January 18, 2010

More Linux Distributions for VXI* VoiceXML browser 4.3

Our binary packages are buit on Linux Debian and CentOS, but are ready to run with another Linux Distributions.  Check the compliant libc/gcc libraries to choose the right package to install. Download: Distribution Version Linux libc gcc Package Download Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic 2.6.31 2.10.1 4.4.2 Debian Lenny 32bit | 64bit Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid 2.6.27 2.8 4.3.1 Debian Lenny 32bit | 64bit Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy 2.6.24 2.7 4.2.3 Debian Etch 32bit | 64bit Redhat 5.4 Enterprise 2.6.18 2.5 4.1.2 CentOS 5 32bit | 64bit Fedora Rawhide 2.11 4.4.2 Debian Lenny 32bit | 64bit Fedora 6 Zod 2.6.12 2.5 4.1.1 CentOS 5 32bit | 64bit Mandriva 2010 2.11 4.4.2 Debian Lenny 32bit | 64bit Mandriva 2009.1 2.9 4.3.2 CentOS 5 32bit | 64bit Suse 11.2 2010 2.6.32 2.11 4.4 Debian Lenny 32bit | 64bit Novell 11 2010 2.9 4.3.3 Debian Lenny 32bit | 64bit Slackware […]
January 12, 2010

Text-to-Speech (TTS) for VXI* update

Thanks to all our technologies and VAR partners who are increasing the number of speech engines connected to VXI* VoiceXML browser for Asterisk. We are now udpdating the information about all Text-to-Speech supported by our products. If you are selecting a new TTS engine for your Asterisk projects, please contact us. More information: Thank you for your continuous support!
January 5, 2010

New update of all VXI* Software Packages

Entering 2010, we are please to announce a new important packaging update of all the VXI* VoiceXML browser releases and Xtras addons. First, we will provide more packages for most Linux OS kernels, base on Linux Debian and CentOS/Redhat distributions. In few days, all our software components will be rebuilt for 32bit and 64bit Linux OS. Additionally, we will provide the complementary Asterisk package built from Digium official open sources for all theses releases too. More information: Thank you for your continuous support!
December 26, 2009

New VXML, WAV, 3GP samples for VXI*

Please find here some scripts and prompts samples for VXI*. Many others applications are also available at our  VoicexML hosting website To download our samples (for registered users) go to:
November 2, 2009

I6NET selects Infratech Solutions to manage its datacenters’ infrastructures evolution

I6NET is in continuous systems growth in order to provide more and better solutions base on all our technology components for the Next Generation Telephony. Today, we are please to announce, Infratech Solutions services renewal for all our IT management operations of virtualization, research & development servers and support for colocation services. With Infratech, our servers are maintained by the best system engineers with highest carrier conditions at VerizonBusiness / Interxion sites. Infratech and I6NET work together to deliver the high quality of services for our IVR / IVVR platforms. “Our teams are working really close since several years and share a strong commitment. Datacenter management becomes a very different task with them”, says Iván Sixto CEO of I6NET.
October 16, 2009

New HP Servers Generation update for VXI*

HP Proliant G6 are available for lastest VXI* VoiceXML platforms. These G6 servers provide the highest levels of performance, scalability and reliability base Intel Xeon Quadcore. In the previous years, most production’s deployments was done on HP Proliant servers G4 and G5; Our commitment to standards-based servers for IVR/IVVR software always provide more flexibility and evolution than any other approach. Today, we are selecting this next generation G6 servers to improve our solutions on Linux OS 64bit kernels with Asterisk 1.4/1.6 last releases. Our new Colocation Servers options available are now: HP Proliant DL160 G6 HP Proliant DL320 G6 * HP Proliant DL360 G6 * Testing, work in progress More information about other hardware servers: