
September 15, 2009

Intel add new 2010 Xeon processor’s features to improve voice & video over IP telephony

Evolution of Telephony goes Software, times of specific Hardware boards is changing… Sept. 13, 2009: Intel Corporation today disclosed new information about next-generation Intel® Xeon® processors – codenamed “Jasper Forest” – for communications and storage applications, due in early 2010. With Jasper Forest, Intel engineers have, for the first time, integrated PCI Express* (PCIe*) in a dual-processing Xeon processor, which greatly facilitates dense storage and communications solutions such as IPTV, VoIP, NAS, SAN and wireless radio network controllers. VXI* IVR / IVVR platforms get their power from the CPU; today last enhanced processors deliver superb computing power, performance, and reliability to manage a large numbers of simulteanous calls without using any specific DSP or boards. Source: Intel Corporation –
September 8, 2009

New I6NET Links: Voice and Video IVR self-service demos site, reloaded!

Links is a collection of IVR / IVVR  services examples with an user-friendly search engine to find demos services linked to our testing servers. At Links, customers, partners, developers, users… can share the favorites voice and video self-services and make a phone call with a code access number to test themselves each one. This is an easy way to discover the new VoiceXML convergence between the Internet web contents and telephony. Today Links demo site  has a PSTN / SIP  number to test your VoiceXML services, many developers are using this online tool to test first an application or a code sample on our VXI* servers. Our Tech team is using it, for tech support too. Go to:
August 25, 2009

Asterisk PBX Server’s Benchmarks from TransNexus

Thanks to Jim Dalton from TransNexus for these Benchmarks of Asterisk PBX. Most of our customers want to tune their Asterisk Server in order to get the maximum VoIP call performance with VXI* and they need information about the Asterisk kernel behavior during a stress test. We have added our data about VXI* process %CPU utilization. Of course, it’s an average estimation, because VoiceXML applications can execute very different XML dialogs for each call and can require codec translation too; but the VXI* VoiceXML addon for Asterisk use few CPU compare to the PBX for most of voice interactive applications. Diagrams shows % CPU utilization vs Ports (simultaneous calls) – g711 no codec translation TransNexus document describes a benchmark test and performance results for a standard Asterisk PBX 1.4 working as B2BUA (Back-to-Back User Agent).  The purpose of this stress […]
August 14, 2009

Using VoiceXML with the Asterisk Dialplan

The dialplan is the routing core of an Asterisk server. Its sole role is to look at what is dialed, and route the call to its destination. This is the core of any telephony system and Asterisk is no different. VXI* VoiceXML browser for Asterisk provide to the PBX a new function called vxml() to extend your favorite telephony system with VoiceXML 2.0+ execution. VXI* provide dynamic XML programming services thru HTTP / HTTPS and using PHP, ASP, JSP, PERL, Python, CGI, C#, etc… to create and run advanced web enabled speech applications on your Asterisk. The dialplan is made up of three elements: extensions, contexts, and priorities. An extension is number or pattern that the dialed number is to be matched against and a context is a collection of extensions (and possibly other included contexts too).
August 3, 2009

VXI* Cloud Beta Program is now available

We are looking for beta testers to run our new VXI* packages on virtual machines with Asterisk. During the Cloud Beta Program period (2 months from now), I6NET will provide you a test license for your Cloud based Asterisk. This program is open to test different virtual OS (Vmware, Ubuntu-KVM, Amazon EC2…) where an Asterisk PBX 1.4/1.6 can run with a Linux optimized kernel timer. By participating in the Cloud Beta Program you receive the following benefits: Earliest access to new releases Ability to influence the final product and to suggest changes prior to final releases Free technical support You will receive a notification when an enrollment will be opened. Please register here. Licenses for cloud testing: 1 port for Trial, unlimited time 1 Evaluation mode 30 ports during 30 min (reload) Current partners are testing on these platforms: Other […]
August 3, 2009

VXI* VoiceXML browser and Skype for Asterisk, add easily call-over-internet voice portals to your business

In September 2005, Skype launched a partnership for VoiceXML with some big voice application development players and VoiceXML hosting companies like Tellme, Voxeo, Angel…opening a new huge market for voice-based services and applications delivered through the Skype platform. Unfortunately, Voice Service Program was nipped it in the bud because it was base on a pay-per-call approach over the biggest free internet P2P telephony community of users! How can users accept to pay to make a call thru Internet to a helpdesk or Customer care or any other phone self-service over Skype…? Today, thanks to Skype-for-Asterisk addon users will deploy themselves their own voice-based services servers without any hosting dependence thru Asterisk Open Source PBX and VXI* VoiceXML browser, to create their own IVR self-services / Voice Portals, and connect enterprise to Skype without  third party services or pay-per-call costs. Use […]
July 30, 2009

VXI* VoiceXML browser for Asterisk goes Cloud

I6NET is proud to announce next VXI* releases for Asterisk PBX will provide advanced Cloud Telephony for real. This approach will free carriers and enterprises to get their own Virtual IVR services powered by VoiceXML / SIP, the open standard speech XML language and VoIP protocol. Today traditional, Hosted Telephony or Phone 2.0 API services don’t provide to users a full access to their own IVR platforms management and engines control in the Cloud. With VXI* for Cloud, you will run any standard VoiceXML 2.0+ application for inbound / outbound telephony services by yourself in your own virtual OS server environment. Coming soon next days: VXI* Cloud Beta Program launching!
July 28, 2009

IP Cameras for VXI* VoiceXML browser video services

VXI* VoiceXML platforms supports many IP Cameras’ vendors today, and this list is increasing with different projects and partnerships , developments and updates done by our team. VXI* Xtras connectors modules are allowing to manage different video features according to the camera configuration, vendor and release. Remember each vendor use different codecs and RTSP implementations. Some configuration modes are: Camera Vendor VoIP Video Audio PTZ Pwd D-Link RTSP I / O Yes Yes iCantek RTSP I / O Yes NC Mobotix SIP I / O Yes Yes Vivotek RTSP I Yes NC —– Legend: SIP is a Video over IP protocol (VoIP) RTSP Video mp4 Audio Input / Output, for camera micro and speaker PTZ Pan, Tilt, and Zoom functions thru DTMF Pwd Password protection (PIN security) NC Not yet Committed I6NET can provide on demand a specific camera model […]
July 27, 2009

VXI* VoiceXML browser release cycle

From its outset VXI* project has been committed to a regular release cycle and has managed to deliver on that commitment without fail. It is the regularity and reliability of these releases that makes our VXI* VoiceXML browser a great option for users and businesses who can plan upgrades and new installs with a reliability packages for Digium’s Asterisk standard releases. This diagram gives our long term commitment to releases and demonstrates the key difference of an evolutive approach following the Asterisk Open Source PBX. Thank you for your continuous support! Releases’ posts: Annoucements’ feed: Announcement
July 27, 2009

Flash Videocall and IP communications convergence over 3G

This demo shows IP Convergence is not a buzzword… Thanks to Luis C. from Celudan for  this crazy video demo using many telecom building blocks over an 3G data connection. The VXI* VoiceXML browser for Asterisk is managing the main video service and mixing all protocols, medias all interacting thru SIP, Flash Streaming, RTSP, direct video mp4,… The videocall is launched from a Samsung Omnia mobile phone (3G data connected to Internet) with just a simple Skyfire mobile browser executing a web video telephony service where the web flash ZMS softphone take a videocall… then a new world of IP communications convergence over 3G starts here… to access to any phone, operator, IP cams, any videoportals, any interactive communication, phone calls, softphones… etc