
September 3, 2010

How to code a Karaoke Phone Service using VoiceXML

Today’s our VoiceXML code example shows a very simple Karaoke Phone Service to record an audio file during song’s music is playing. VXI* VoiceXML browser makes it very simple! thanks to its announcement property. Once confirmed the audio file generated is submited to a send.php script, so you can easily store the song in a web directory, send it by email or SMS…etc Parameters: <property name=”announcement” value=”true”/> set a background audio during recording clip.wav song’music file WAV PCM 16bit 8khz mono to listen with <record> tag send.php PHP script to manage the audio file recorded (Post method). VoiceXML Code: That’s it! You now have a working karaoke script in its simplest form.
August 23, 2010

Netfors: SS7 Channel for Asterisk

The Netfors version of Chan SS7 for Asterisk is in active development. Netfors offers a Free and Premium version of Chan SS7 that include commercial support. Compatible with Asterisk 1.2.x, 1.4.x and 1.6.x. and VXI* VoiceXML browser last releases. Dahdi/Zaptel compatible digital interfaces: Redfone Sangoma Digium Openvox Main features: MTP2 (Q.703) implementation MTP3 (Q.704) implementation (subset). ISUP (Q.76x) implementation (mostly complete). Facilities for protocol analysis using e.g. wireshark Supports high call volumes Supports multiple linksets with different OPCs and DPCs Supports linksets with multiple links Supports load sharing and MTP changeover Supports multiple hosts (cluster) configuration with load sharing and failover Flexible Dial command syntax to allow routing to different linksets Source:
August 20, 2010

How to send SMS Text Messages using VoiceXML

Many IVR phone services require to send users a SMS Text Message for a reminder note, ticket or any appointement information… VoiceXML is an open standard XML language so you can work with any kind of HTTP gateway interface with PHP, JSP, ASP,… and you can easily modify this example according to your carrier parameters and own service requirements. Our example, is using a JSP script from any SMS provider: Parameters: Request: extern:http  URL http://<your gateway IP>/…/sendsms.jsp User: Your User’s Account Password: Your User’s Password To: Destination Phone Number (country code + PSTN number) From: Sender Phone Number Type: Text Message type digit, MMS, SMS,… Msg: Content for your Text Message Wapurl: If you need to include a WAP URL VoiceXML Code: That’s it! You now have a working SMS script in its simplest form.
August 12, 2010

User Experience in a Telephone Application Using VoiceXML

Very interesting article about VUI Design from Daniel Mecanovic and Hao Shi – School of Computer Science and Mathematics Victoria University, Australia. Voice User Interface (VUI) design is an integral part of developing any VoiceXML telephone application just like a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is very important when designing a visual application. In this PDF document, a series of experiments are conducted in order to understand user experience, improve the initial VUI design and provide valuable information for your future VUI development with VoiceXML. Download: [download id=”42″ format=”1″ autop=”false”] Source: Voice User Interface Design in a Telephone Application Using VoiceXML
August 9, 2010

New VXI* Text-to-Speech Connector for Google Translate

We are please to announce one more TTS connector for our VXI* VoiceXML browser, now ready for the Google Translate Text-to-Speech engine. This new TTS option called CURL connector is available with our last VXI* 5.0 release suite, you can get it at our Xtras* addons download area: It’s a very interesting solution for Cloud IVR or any convergent Web 2.0 phone services. Google Translate TTS is a cloud service available for many languages; stay tunned at our blog. Download: More information:
August 3, 2010

Web phone for the Flash/RTMP Server Channel

The new Flash/RTMP Server Channel for VXI* is designed to make voice or video calls over Internet with any web browser. This flash phone is a very thin applet with a simple template easy to customize and to insert in a website or web application. You can resize, hide, add or remove any fields, buttons, frames…etc More information: Flash/RTMP Server Channel
July 13, 2010

VXI* VoiceXML browser 5.0, most downloaded distributions

And the winner is Debian 32bit… But for last kernels version, CentOS 32bit is the favorite… These are the most downloaded VXI* VoiceXML browser 5.0 packages: [downloads query=”category=27&orderby=hits&order=DESC” format=”1″]
July 5, 2010

Add a Flash/RTMP Server Channel to your VXI* platform

We are please to announce a new important feature for voice & video services over our next release of VXI* 5.1: Flash/RTMP for Asterisk / VXI* is an add-on channel driver for Asterisk-based PBX systems. Adding Flash/RTMP for Asterisk to any Asterisk server enables complete access to manage bi-directional video calls from a Web browser with a Flash player. More information: Xtras* Flash/RTMP Server Channel
June 4, 2010

New documentation edition for VXI* 5.0

We present a new update of the VXI* VoiceXML browser Manual; these new PDF file is now available at our download documents section. Some updated elements are: New Xtras* addons packages updated New Text-to-Speech hypercache connector updated New Speech Recognition (ASR) connector added MRCP v1 and v2 for ASR installation Video 3G/IP addon updated Transfer tag 2.1 updated VoiceXML reference guide updated for VXI* 5.0 Download: [download id=”17″ format=”1″ autop=”false”] More information at: Documents Thank your for your support!
April 13, 2010

Top Linux Distribution Packages Downloads to install your VXI* VoiceXML browser for Asterisk

… And the winner is: “CentOS 5”. Since VXI* 4.4 last release our software suite is available in several Linux OS binary packages to get a fast,easy and reliable intalation process. Most of developers and users are selecting CentOS packages (CentOS, Redhat, Mandriva,…). Concerning, 64bit vs 32bit systems adoption represent less than 20% for now but it’s growing fast for new servers CPU/RAM (>4Gb). More: